Contact me at info@wnourished.com

Introductory Blood Work Analysis $500
This includes my customized Well Nourished panel and interpretation. This is a 90-minute session analyzing the results and providing individualized recommendations to boost your health.

Basic Package 5 months
($1500 value)
The basics:
90-minute initial intake
Four 60 minute Follow-ups plus meal plans and resources for success

Add ons:
Individual testing: (Prices will vary)
Food sensitivity
Immune reactivity
Gluten reactivity
Numerous other targeted tests

5 Month Package - All In
($4225 value)
This is my most popular package and includes:
90-minute initial intake
Four 60 minute Follow-ups
Four 30-minute check-in
Comprehensive testing and interpretation:
Well Nourished Customized blood panel (draw at month 1 and month 4 draws)
Stool panel (Genova Diagnostics)
Hormone DUTCH test (saliva and urine)
Cyrex - 3 different immune and or food reactivity tests